Showing posts with label jasa seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jasa seo. Show all posts

Unlock the Mysteries of Google: The Shocking Truth Revealed!

It is no stranger to almost everyone in this world using Google as a search engine that has many users. Why google as parameters and hits? Even though there are still many similar search engines such as Yahoo Search, Bing or Ask?

Google a Popular Search Engine

We use google as a search engine because of the many ease and accuracy of good search. Speed and accuracy in presenting search results is an important thing to consider why we choose Google. The most important thing is because Google is the most user in the internet universe.

Google as the most search engine in the world almost 80% of its users, this figure is an opportunity in internet marketing later, especially marketing through search engines and SEO services have something to do with this search engine.

Google's popularity will be a benchmark and bring real benefits to businesses.

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Reasons to use Google as a search engine:

  • Accurate in displaying search results
  • Simple interface so that even cloud people can easily use it
  • Very fast indexing so that viral news or breaking news can be immediately displayed on the google homepage.
  • Full of features that are almost all free like gmail, blog, goggle drive, google photos, youtube etc.

There is a saying that says "If you want to be popular quickly then be popular on google" Get to know more closely with Google, one of which is by approaching the cheap SEO Services guaranteed handymen.

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Guarantee of Success: How to Increase Blog/Web Popularity with SEO Superpower!

There are many ways to increase the popularity of a blog or website including what we know as organic SEO and Inorganic SEO. In this article we will discuss about Organic SEO and Inorganic SEO.

Beforehand, please allow the maistures of masters of SEO if there is a mistake, please correct it.

Jasa SEO


Organic SEO is a technique to popularize blogs / websites naturally, usually content like this is widely viral-in by netizens. There is an instant way that is with Organic and Inorganic SEO tricks.

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SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a way of increasing ratings in search engines in this case is google search. How to popularize the instant in an Organic and Inorganic way.

Organic SEO is one way to increase ratings naturally. The way that can be taken is to create many accounts, comments on blogs / websites or on social media owned by netizens, make statements, add many friendships, diligently make articles, especially the latest news or are viral, make news on special news portals and share videos.

The main thing is to be diligent in making good articles, using relevant keywords, for backlinks (tapping links from fellow bloggers whose content is relevant to our blog).


The way that Inorganic SEO does is fairly an instant way to increase the rating of blogs / websites, commonly known as black hat SEO techniques, this method can increase ratings in a short time but the popularity cannot last long, different from the natural way earlier.

The method that is usually used for Inorganic SEO is to place PPC (pay per click) ads or use SEO Services to increase ratings.

The main target of Inorganic SEO is to increase the popularity of the blog / website as soon as possible, another way is to post a link in the comment column or in a blog post or in a social media post and the link usually has nothing to do with the article.

The trick of Inorganic SEO is to create articles that contain many keywords that are not relevant to the article. Hide meta tags so that they are not visible to the user.

From the two tricks above can be combined so that it will produce the desired results. Organic SEO is good for natural growth and Inorganic SEO even though it is said to be black hat SEO

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Hidden Secret SEO Services that Change Your Online Business!

SEO Services

SEO Service Guaranteed Satisfied

The presence of the internet has created a variety of new technologies that certainly have benefits, one of which is blogs. Blogs are growing very rapidly, especially when blogs can be used to make money (monetize blogs).
But having a blog without having visitors, it's the same as lying, especially for those of you who want to make a blog as a source of income. By having many visitors on the blog, the profit potential is also getting bigger.

One way to bring visitors is to use SEO (search engine optimization) techniques.

SEO is a step to optimize a website to have the best position for searches with certain keywords on search engines or many search engines on the internet.

For that we open SEO services for blogs, especially those with flat form Wordpress and Blogspot. Customer satisfaction is our pride, we will help your blog be in the best position in search engines.
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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a step to optimize a blog / website to have the best position for searches with certain keywords in search engines. There are many websites that provide search services, some of which are quite popular including Google search, Yahoo search, Bing, and Ask.

Search engine is a program created to help someone find files contained on the internet. On the internet there are millions of websites with a variety of information and content, with the help of search engines we can find the file we are looking for.

The Internet connects servers from various parts of the world so that the data stored on these servers can be accessed online. The data stored is not only limited to website pages, but other documents such as images, audio, video, programs and other digital data.

Search engines use software that is generally called Spiders to do data collection on website pages. Spiders record the words and word combinations contained on a web page and build a database based on the specified words.
Spiders are constantly browsing page after page found and building data based on found words and word combinations, as well as building keywords that allow internet users to find the page they are looking for based on the keywords used.

The methods we do for blog SEO optimization are:

On Page SEO :
  • Determine keywords (Keyword)
  • Choosing a Domain Name and Blog Address
  • Theme or Template Modification (Use of Meta Description and Meta Keyword)
  • Heading Tag Settings
  • Permalink Settings
  • Archiving Settings
  • Use of Canonical URLs
  • Post Title Optimization
  • Footer Optimization
  • Install SEO Friendly Plugin

 Off Page SEO :
  • Promote blogs on special forums that are in the same niche as blog content
  • Build and create an account on a portfolio online site
  • Create an account on the website profile site
  • Sharing blog posts on social media (google+,facebook,twitter,digg,delicious etc)
  • Create an account on an online sharing site
  • Share in community and social bookmarking
  • Register a blog on various social media sites and social networks
  • Make posts on my support blog that have been optimized and pageranked.
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Hemat Waktu, Tingkatkan Pendapatan: Inilah Layanan Posting Blog yang Harus Anda Coba!

Layanan Posting Blog


Jasa Layanan posting Artikel blog Online - Layanan ini diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang tidak mempunyai waktu untuk memposting artikel di blog atau websitenya. Jadi jika Anda mempunyai banyak artikel bergambar, entah itu artikel yang Anda tulis sendiri atau  dari jasa penulisan konten, tetapi Anda tidak punya waktu dan tidak ingin khawatir untuk mempublikasikannya di blog saya.. , Hubungi saya.. Saya memulai layanan penerbitan blog, situs web, atau toko online..

Oleh karena itu, layanan ini tidak mencakup penulisan artikel baru di blog Anda, melainkan penerbitan artikel di blog Anda dan artikel Anda sendiri.

Berikut informasi mengenai layanan penerbitan:

Penerbitan dapat dilakukan di blogspot, WordPress, website berbasis PHP atau platform lainnya..
Posting meliputi penataan ulang perataan paragraf dan daftar pada postingan, serta pengaturan lainnya agar postingan blog terlihat rapi..
Posting standar 1 artikel posting berisi maksimal 3 image atau gambar,
Jika blog atau web support posting terjadwal (schedule) seperti pada blogspot maupun wordpress, maka posting bisa dipublish terjadwal,sesuai permintaan Anda.

Text menggunakan heading h1,h2,dan sebagainya untuk judul atau sub judul dalam artikel variasi bold,italic, underline untuk kata-kata maupun frase keyword tertentu,untuk optimasi seo.

Pemberian Description di wordpress ataupun search description di blogspot
Pemberian alt tag pada image untuk optimasi search engine..
Harga jasa posting di blog atau website
Untuk harga cukup murah,yaitu Rp 1..000 per posting, Sedangkan untuk posting lebih dari 100 artikel akan mendapat potongan harga.. Jika jumlah image lebih dari 3 gambar/image per postingannya, kami mungkin akan menyesuaikan harganya.

Harga diatas termasuk murah, karena rata-rata membutuhkan waktu  15 menit bahkan lebih untuk memposting 1 postingan dan melakukan hal-hal yang ada pada list diatas (buktikan sendiri).. mempublikasikan, menandai, mendeskripsikan, mengarsipkan, mengunggah dan menyisipkan gambar, mengatur gambar, dan banyak lagi.. Saya juga perlu membaca artikel untuk bisa memberikan deskripsi artikel untuk mengoptimalkan SEO.. Jadi harganya tidak mahal.

Cara kerja layanan penerbitan artikel untuk blog atau website..
Silahkan kirim posting dalam bentuk word ataupun notepad, serta image yang akan digunakan dalam artikel tersebut.. Masukan dalam satu folder untuk satu artikel.. Jadi jika ada 100 judul artikel,maka ada sekitar 100 folder..
Hubungi saya lewat whatsapp, dan saya akan menentukan estimasi waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan posting.

Kirimkan semua artikel dalam satu folder zip atau rar,bisa diupload ke google drive atau yang lainnya, karena gmail sekarang tidak mengijinkan attachment dalam bentuk zip/rar.

Pembayaran dilakukan dimuka, sebelum produk diposkan..
Privasi Anda terjamin..


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