Showing posts with label organic seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organic seo. Show all posts

Guarantee of Success: How to Increase Blog/Web Popularity with SEO Superpower!

There are many ways to increase the popularity of a blog or website including what we know as organic SEO and Inorganic SEO. In this article we will discuss about Organic SEO and Inorganic SEO.

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Organic SEO is a technique to popularize blogs / websites naturally, usually content like this is widely viral-in by netizens. There is an instant way that is with Organic and Inorganic SEO tricks.

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SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a way of increasing ratings in search engines in this case is google search. How to popularize the instant in an Organic and Inorganic way.

Organic SEO is one way to increase ratings naturally. The way that can be taken is to create many accounts, comments on blogs / websites or on social media owned by netizens, make statements, add many friendships, diligently make articles, especially the latest news or are viral, make news on special news portals and share videos.

The main thing is to be diligent in making good articles, using relevant keywords, for backlinks (tapping links from fellow bloggers whose content is relevant to our blog).


The way that Inorganic SEO does is fairly an instant way to increase the rating of blogs / websites, commonly known as black hat SEO techniques, this method can increase ratings in a short time but the popularity cannot last long, different from the natural way earlier.

The method that is usually used for Inorganic SEO is to place PPC (pay per click) ads or use SEO Services to increase ratings.

The main target of Inorganic SEO is to increase the popularity of the blog / website as soon as possible, another way is to post a link in the comment column or in a blog post or in a social media post and the link usually has nothing to do with the article.

The trick of Inorganic SEO is to create articles that contain many keywords that are not relevant to the article. Hide meta tags so that they are not visible to the user.

From the two tricks above can be combined so that it will produce the desired results. Organic SEO is good for natural growth and Inorganic SEO even though it is said to be black hat SEO

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