This program is provided to citizens of the Republic of Indonesia through procedures provided by LPDP. Then what is meant by the regular scholarship program? Well we will discuss in this article, please read it to the end hopefully useful.
The regular scholarship scheme is given at the education level of one degree or two degree master programs with an education duration of approximately 24 months. Doctoral program with one degree or two degrees with a duration of 48 months.
Read more article about Scholarship :
A person who applies with a regular scholarship must have one university, both at home and abroad. For applicants who do not have an LoA, they are required to choose three domestic and foreign destination universities in the list of LPDP universities with similar / the same program.
A regular scholarship applicant can choose the destination college with the condition that he only chooses one college. And the requirements for these universities must meet excellent criteria based on professional institutions, expertise or world ranking values with the best refution.
Scholarships awarded:
- Education funds
- SPP Fund
- Book allowance fund
- Research funds
- And seminars
- Funds for the publication of International journals
In addition, other supporting funds are also provided, such as:
- Transport funds
- Health insurance
- Cost of living per month
- Family allowance fund
- Emergency fund
The requirements for applying for regular scholarships are Indonesian citizens who have graduated from diploma, bachelor, master and doctor study programs.
Especially for diploma or bachelor applicants have the following conditions: Have an LoA from the destination college and meet the criteria of the destination college. For students with master programs (S2) are not allowed to register for master scholarship programs, as well as for applicants who have completed doctoral studies may not register for doctoral scholarship programs. And for applicants who graduated from foreign universities, they are required to submit their diplomas and GPAs to the ministry of education, culture, research and technology through the page provided, or can be sent to the ministry of religious affairs page that has been provided.
In addition, participants are not currently studying master or doctor programs either domestically or abroad. Not currently enrolled in another scholarship program. Attach a letter of recommendation in accordance with the requirements of each program issued for a maximum of one year.
The procedure for delivery is as follows:
- Input data online through online form containing the name of the recommender, agency, position, email, mobile number and sent to LPDP.
- Or offline by filling out the form downloaded first in the application.
- Choose a destination university that is in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP.
- Have a standard GPA, especially in terms of language.
- Special classes
- Employee class
- Remote classes
- International class for domestic applicants
- And other classes that do not meet the criteria of LPDP.
Special requirements for regular scholarship registration:
- Master program at most 35 years old
- Doctoral program at most 40 years old
- Masters must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 to 4.00
- Doctorate must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 to 4.00 or equivalent as evidenced by legalized transcripts. Especially for the doctoral level of the master program without GPA, you must attach a certificate from the university of origin.
- Have English language skills equipped with a certificate of at least two years.
How to apply for LPDP scholarship:
- Apply online at site
- Complete all requested documents
Date June 9 to July 9, 2023 = Selection Registration
Date 10 – 23 July 2023 = Administrative selection
Date July 27, 2023 = Announcement of administrative selection results
Date 28 – 29 July 2023 = Submission of rebuttal
Date 5 August 2023 = Announcement of rebuttal results
Date 10 – 23 July 2023 = Administrative selection
Date July 27, 2023 = Announcement of administrative selection results
Date 28 – 29 July 2023 = Submission of rebuttal
Date 5 August 2023 = Announcement of rebuttal results
Regular scholarship selection process:
1. Administrative selection
2. Scholastic talent selection
3. Substance selection